To Novosibirsk Region said goodbye to the mobilized Altynnikov Andrey

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The 43-year-old native Bagan still had wife and the daughter On Friday, November 17 in Bagana said goodbye to the participant of SVO, guard the sergeant Altynnikov Andrey . Information on it is published in pablike Administration of the Bagan district of the Novosibirsk region in social network "VKontakte". Altynnikov Andrey was born on November 5, 1980 in the village Bagan. Graduated from local general education school. From 1998 to 2000 participated in the second Chechen war. After worked with a shift method in Novosibirsk. In the 2015th moved to Kupino where worked the welder in Kupinsky office of the West Siberian iron roads. In September, 2022 it was called in...