Prosecutors began check after "Vestie Novosibirsk's" news about bad water in the village

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Prosecutor's office of the Chistoozernoe district of the Novosibirsk region organized carrying out check after "Vestie Novosibirsk's" news about inadequate quality of drinking water in the village New Kulynda. About it editions were reported the senior assistant prosecutor of the region on interaction from mass media by Manilova Darya. Before "Vestie Novosibirsk" told that according to the inhabitant of the village, within one and a half years in houses of locals from the crane muddy water with flakes of brick color, a marsh smell and smack iron and salts flows. In confirmation of the words the woman sent video on which it is well visible as from the crane flows...
Manilova Darya
Gusev Vladimir
Municipal unitary enterprise "Gorvodokanal"