The Novorossiysk local office at the Krasnodar regional office of AYuR started implementation of the I Have the Right project

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On November 14 the team of Novorossiysk local office at the Krasnodar regional office of Association lawyers Russia (further – NMO at Association KRO) took part in action on a platform "Boiling point". "The boiling point – Novorossiysk" represents new space for collaboration where people from various branches can meet and discuss various subjects in an informal situation. Trainings, round tables, the master classes passing on this platform it is free, promote development initiatives, allowing to set the interesting purposes and to realize the conceived ideas. Project...
Gruzinskaya Catherina
Poluyan Elina
Korolev Nicholas
Karmov Milan
Association of Lawyers of Russia
Main activity:Science and education