Dueyn Douglas Johnson "Rock" Dueyn Douglas Johnson told that could pass into MMA

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The well-known Hollywood actor and the former professional wrestler Dueyn Douglas Johnson told that could pass into MMA in the 1997th year, transfers with reference to Sport24. "Outside there was the 1997th, I trained about a great number of guys from MMA. Then only just appeared to PRIDE league to Japan. I started hearing, how many there earn. I then received 150 thousand dollars though acted 235 days in a year. Can count, how many it turns out in terms of one match. And guys from PRIDE received 250, 350, 500 thousand! I started thinking that in WWE to me not a place. To me speak to smile though I do not want it...
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Last position: Actor, film producer
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Last position: Chief commentator (UFC)
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