The commander of a company of VSU received 16 years of a colony in Lugansk

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The Ukrainian fighter, the commander of a company 108 Andrey Savchuk which transferred coordinates for blows to houses in Nikolaevka to Luhansk People's Republic, sentenced to 16 years of a colony of a high security, reported in the press service Main military attorney department. In the summer of last year Andrey Savchuk with help thrones calculated exact coordinates of houses in Nikolaevka Luhansk People's Republic and transferred them for aiming of Reaktivnaya sistema zalpoogo ognya "Grad". The housing and property of citizens received damages. The Supreme Court Luhansk People's Republic found the fighter guilty of attempt at murder of two and more persons, ill treatment with...
Andrey Romanovich Savchuk
Last position: Company commander of the 10th mountain and assault crew of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine )