The Ukrainian military sentenced to 16 years of a colony for information transfer
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VERKHOVNY COURT LUGANSKOY NARODNOY RESPUBLIKI (Luhansk People's Republic) sentenced to 16 years of a colony of a high security of the commander of a company of a separate mountain and assault battalion of Armed forces Ukraine (VSU) of the senior lieutenant Andrey Savchuk. About it periodical e-edition "" reported in Main military attorney department. The military was found guilty under article 30, the points "and", "e", of "l" of part 2 of article 105 ("Attempt at the murder of two and more persons made by a group of persons, all-dangerous way, based on political, ideological hostility"), by parts 1 of article 356 ("The civilian population abuse and application of the armed...
Andrey Romanovich Savchuk
Last position: Company commander of the 10th mountain and assault crew of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine )
Vodopyanov Yvan
Gulavsky Vladimir