Representatives of Head department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Perm Territory took part in working meeting of Government of the Perm Territory

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In Government of the Perm Territory the working meeting on realization in the territory Perm Territory the Federal law "Is held on a probation to Russian Federation". The vice-chairman of Government of the Perm Territory concerning environmental management and safety Borisov Alexander headed meeting. Perm Territory Victor Aleksandrovich Batmazov, the minister of social developments Perm Territory Pavel Fokin, the minister of finance the vice-chairman of Government of the Perm Territory concerning social protection and health care Sergei Nikiforov, the minister of territorial safety...
Sergei Nikiforov
Last position: The vice-chairman concerning health care (Government of the Perm Territory)
Eugenie Kamkin
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Victor Aleksandrovich Batmazov
Pavel Fokin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory)
Catherina Tkhor
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Perm Territory)