In MO Russian Federation reported about introduction in medical practice of absolutely new techniques

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Techniques which are practiced by the Russian experts, anybody yet did not apply in the world. © Video: all-Russia state broadcasting TV channel "Zvezda" © Photo: all-Russia state broadcasting TV channel "Zvezda" discuss the Most modern methods and approaches at the International forum on surgery of modern armed conflicts. It takes place in these days in the Central house of the Russian army. More than one thousand military medical experts - surgeons, traumatologists, orthopedists, anesthesiologists gathered. Key subject of a forum - treatment and recovery of fighters after wounds. "Today our central hospitals, already getting experience of rendering helps, already in practice introduce the absolutely new...
Dimitri Trishkin
Last position: Chief of the Head military-medical department (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
Arkadyev Andrey
Baranov Nicholas