Dueyn Douglas Johnson – about plans to leave WWE in Pride: "In wrestling I earned $150 thousand a year, and to Japan guys received $250-500 thousand"

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Dueyn Douglas Johnson told that it could appear in MMA in the late nineties. "In 97th I trained in Los Angeles and it was crossed with guys from MMA: then to Japan Pride only opened. Then in wrestling I earned $150 thousand in 235 days in a year. Count, how many left for one fight. I heard that these guys from MMA receive in Pride $250, 300, 500 thousand a year. And then I did not think that I will achieve success in wrestling. People catcalled me on arenas, I was not oneself. I communicated then with Kenneth Wayne Kilpatrik, he told me about Pride then I had an idea. And why not to go there to earn...