Business is connected with claim "Trust" concerning cancellation of sales the builder at auction in 2021 goduyekaterina Litovaartem Kulshabank of non-core assets "Trust" achieved in High court of London arrests of property being

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Business is connected with claim "Trust" concerning cancellation of sales the builder at auction in 2021 Litova Catherina Kulsha Artem Bank non-core assets "Trust" achieved in High court of London arrests of property the former top managers of the developer "Inteko" Oleg Soloshchansky and Edel Konstantin, and also Strelina Svetlana on 24,8 million pounds sterling in the territory England and Wales. About it it is spoken in the judgment which daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" studied. Trials of "Trust" are connected with sale "Inteko". Become the owner of the builder in 2018, bank sold it last year from the second attempt: in...