Russians pulls back

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Russians pulls back Why employees come back to a former place of work Nearly a third of Russians came back to old work, thus not always with increase. The share of such employees gradually grows, experts "Avito Holding AB Work" found out. About it writes daily business newspaper "RBK daily". More pleasant collective and the management" became the most popular reason "— almost every fifth so answered. Photo: Ivanko Igor, newspaper "Kommersant" What else reasons compel Russians to be arranged for an old place? Details — in the reference radio station "Kommersant-FM". Among the reasons of return to former work Russians noted favorable conditions — so answered...
Olga Dashevskaya
Last position: Director general of the Business of Communications of PR Inc Agency
Ivanko Igor
Matveev Dimitri
Begichev Timur
Lisichenko Stanislas