Sergei Ivanovich Furgal on the case of the organization of murders upheld a sentence

@360° Podmoskov'e
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Regional court of Moscow upheld a sentence to the ex-governor Khabarovsk Territory Sergei Ivanovich Furgal Bulkin Sergey/ Regional court of Moscow recognized lawful a sentence to the ex-governor Khabarovsk Territory to Sergei Ivanovich Furgal on the case of the organization of murders. The correspondent of information agency "ITAR-TASS". protection left Complaint without satisfaction. The sentence entered validity, however the party of protection is going to appeal against it, the lawyer Boris Kozhemyakin declared. "Protection still has a possibility of the appeal in the cassation and supervision which we intend to use" — he emphasized. Sergei Ivanovich Furgal asked jurors to recognize him earlier...
Sergei Ivanovich Furgal
Last position: Co-owner (LLC "Alkuma")
Boris Kozhemyakin
Last position: Founder, lawyer ("TSKA")
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 746
Smolsky Alexander
Zorya Eugenie