AKAR awarded employees JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM-MEDIA HOLDING" for a contribution to development the advertizing industries

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AKAR awarded top managers and employees JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM-MEDIA HOLDING". The event is dated for the 145 anniversary of the Russian advertizing and the 30 anniversary of AKAR. For active work in AKAR and in connection with the 30 anniversary from the date of its basis the director of the department of business communications and analytics of LLC "GPM RADIO", the expert LLC "Gazprom-Media", the cochairman of Committee of radio AKAR Andryushova Julia, the director of legal questions of LLC "GPM RADIO", the cochairman of section AKAR Ivanova Marianna, and also the director are marked out director general LLC "Gazprom-Media" Catherina Veselkova...