At theater Shalyapin Fabio submitted the Russian World of Heroines of Ostrovsky project

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About what speak women? Theatre submitted to Shalyapin's name the unique literary and musical project "Russian World of Heroines of Ostrovsky" devoted to the 200 anniversary since the birth of the great playwright. Audience could hear reflections of women of the 19th eyelid: girls without dowry, bills of sale, actresses provincial theaters. The answer to the main issue of evening was looked for by Borisov Eugenie. Kupchikha Marfa Ignatyevna from the play the Thunder-storm, Larisa Dmitriyevna from the Girl without dowry, Glafira from the comedy Wolves and sheep. And even Snow Maiden. This evening Ostrovsky's heroines descended from pages of works of the author and walked a peculiar parade on a scene...
Svetlana Pismichenko
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Shalyapin Fabio
Borisov Eugenie
Vysotsky Victor