In Minfin warned about consequences of introduction of sanctions on diamonds from Russian Federation

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 14 Nov - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Sanctions on diamonds from Russian Federation can lead to the accelerated replacement in the market of natural stones synthetics that bears risks for the extracting countries, Aleksey Moiseev "Told to journalists of the deputy minister of finance Russian Federation. Now we see a goal on creation of the steady sanctions mechanism, conditional cartel KP-2 (an initiative of the countries of G7 and EU on introduction of a direct ban on import of the Russian rough diamonds on the markets of these countries due to introduction of the mechanism of certifications all parties of diamonds through AWDC or GIA), on closing of the markets of consumption of YuBI...
Aleksey Moiseev
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)