"Want, I somebody zalomayu? " A star of the Russian cinema Dmitry Pavlenko — about amusing situations on shootings

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The actor had to endure a thirty-degree heat and to fight for 6–7 hours in a row In 1993, right after series "Love Alphabet" shootings, Dmitry Pavlenko woke up the well-known. On the street of the actor delighted girls started learning, and the most terrible bandits of the area brought him only the best champagne. Later time the man acted in the picture "Breath", and this role again brought it love and respect of public. Now Dmitry Pavlenko actively appears on stage theaters and is fond of martial arts, but career of the film actor did not refuse. In anticipation of a release of the movie "Legend of Sambo" correspondent of MSK1.RU...
Dmitry Pavlenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Roman Leonidovich Karimov
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, composer
Fridberg Isaak
Zombi Victor
Main activity:Wholesale trade