Ust-Dzhegutinskaya interregional prosecutor's office Karachay-Cherkess Republic organized a meeting with the public at which questions of improvement of scheduled maintenance and spiritual and moral education of youth are discussed

@Prokuratura KChR
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In MBOU "Lyceum No. 7 Ust-Dzheguta" the acting as Ust-Dzhegutinsky of the interdistrict prosecutor Khapaev Shamil held a meeting with parents being trained, employees of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA Ust-Dzhegutinsky of the municipal area, police, members of public organizations. The representative of supervising department shined the main aspects with carried-out prosecutor's office scheduled maintenance within prevention and suppression of the facts of illegal behavior of children and teenagers. The special attention was paid to a role of educational and cultural institutions in education and younger generation formation...