In Nizhny will pass an art house festival

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Till November 19 in "Record" will take place will show the exclusive film program of festival hits of an art house. To the audience will present a retrospective of masterpieces from the catalog of the creative association Arthouse. In the program — Lars fon Trier, Kler Deni, Joaquim Trijer, Noe Gaspard, Atef Emily, Selin Syamma and others. On November 14, 19:00 – "Stars at midday" Lovers try to leave Nicaragua. Magnetic Sarah Margaret Kuelli and a prize in Cannes. on November 18%2B 15, 19:00 – "Dancing in the dark" the Worker emigrant escapes music and dances from a coming blindness and a hopelessness. Cannes triumph...
Lars fon Trier
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, actor
Claire Deni
Last position: Film director, screenwriter
Selin Syamma
Last position: Film director, script writer
Sarah Margaret Kuelli
Last position: Actress, model