Court fined 30 thousand rubles Glikin Maxime for work violation inoagenta

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The journalist declared the foreign agent in July, 2021 Moscow, on November 13. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Golovino village district court of the city of Moscow fined the journalist Glikin Maxime 30 thousand rubles for violation of the rules activity inoagenta. About it information agency "ITAR-TASS" reported in the press service of vessels". Court found guilty Glikin Maxime as regards 2 articles 19.34 Codes of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences (failure to provide or untimely representation by the foreign agent in authorized body of the data which representation is provided by the legislation Russian Federation about foreign agents) and appointed to it punishment in the form of a penalty in 30 thousand rubles" - told in the press service. Glikin Maxime-...