Medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people have to go nearby

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Everything who is engaged in complex rehabilitation to Russian Federation, have to understand how new standards and the principles of work in this area already by the time of adoption of the relevant federal law, instead of a post factum work. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation accepted it on September 21 in the first reading — the document supplements and corrects seven normative documents. As there is a preparation for implementation of the law after coming into effect, discussed on November 10 the vice speaker Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Inna Svyatenko and the Minister of Labour and Social Protection Anton Kotyakov at exit meeting of Council for affairs of disabled people. It passed in Saint Petersburg on the basis of the Center...
Anton Kotyakov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation)
Inna Svyatenko
Last position: Chairman (Council of the Federation Committee on Social Policy)
Eugenie Kryukov
Last position: Chief (Military medical academy named after S. M. Kirova)