Court in Moscow set free the ex-field investigator Konovalov Denise who threw drugs to Yvan Golunov

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The journalist told MSK1.RU why supported the court decision Zelenograd regional court released on freedom of the ex-field investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs of JSC <3> Denis Konovalov who threw drugs to the journalist Yvan Golunov. About it editions of MSK1.RU were reported by Yvan Golunov. According to him, the police officer was deprived by ranks. — It cannot work in police of 1,5 years and "the senior police lieutenant" is deprived of a rank — the journalist told us. Earlier District court of the Kirovo-Chepetsk district of the Kirov region changed Konovalova a measure of restraint since 4,5 of imprisonment for 2 years of forced hard labor in Zelenograd. As reported "Carefully, news" from a court hall , the man...