State Department Anthony John Blinken and the prime minister reported about negotiations Modi Indiya

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The American Secretary of State Anthony John Blinken discussed with the prime minister Modi Indiya Narendra Damodardas Modi the current conflicts in Ukraine and Near East. It declared in the press service of foreign policy department of United States of America. "Anthony John Blinken and Narendra Damodardas Modi confirmed the general vision of United States of America and Modi Indiya close partnership in the Indo-Pacific region" — it is specified in the publication. According to information of the press service, the party also confirmed a common position on "global to calls", discussed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and also a situation in Ukraine. It is specified that the meeting of politicians took place to Indian New Delhi. Earlier...
Lloyd James Austin III
Last position: Minister (United States Department of Defense)
Narendra Damodardas Modi
Last position: Prime minister (Government of India)
Anthony John Blinken
Last position: State secretary (State department of the United States of America)
Donald Lu
Last position: The assistant to the state secretary for the Southern and Central Asia (State department of the United States of America)
Modi Indiya