In Government of the Leningrad region there took place the grand welcome dated for Day of the employee of law-enforcement bodies

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On November 9, 2023 on the eve of a professional holiday of police officers in Government of the Leningrad region passed solemn meeting. The first vice governor took part in it Leningrad Region Igor Petrov, the guide of Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region headed by the chief Glavka the police lieutenant general Roman Plugin. Igor Petrov congratulated the staff of law-enforcement bodies on a professional holiday, having noted high level of interaction of the Central board with regional authorities, and also expressed sincere gratitude to employees...
Igor Petrov
Last position: Head (Administration Governor and government of the Leningrad region)
Roman Plugin
Last position: Chief (Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region)