The new general director timber industry JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP "ILIM"] is appointe

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Soderzhaniyeobrazovaniye of the Pit 2005-2007 2013-2018 2023: Appointment as general director JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP "ILIM" Notes Lomko Aleksey Petrovich Education Lomko Aleksey Petrovich graduated from the Ural legal academy, received degree of MBA of Northwest university United States of America and Hong Kong university sciences and technologies. Career of 2005-2007 V 2005 it is appointed the deputy director for legal questions JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP "ILIM", and in the 2007th - headed in companies legal management which provided legal maintenance of formation of the joint Russian-American venture and its investment activity...
Xenia Sosnina
Main activity:Businessman
Lomko Aleksey Petrovich
JSC Ilim Group
Main activity:Wood processing
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education