Corporate improvement: at the XII International gas forum in Saint Petersburg discussed as business participates in development territories

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As development drivers the Russian territories large corporations of an oil and gas range often act. Thanks to social programs realized by industrialists are formed new, remote from the federal center, a point of an attraction of qualified personnel – and the corresponding conditions for their comfortable life are created. Such conclusion united participants of a round table "Support, deduction and development – social policy in companies oil and gas sector" which daily business newspaper "RBK daily" organized within XII Petersburg international gas forum "Petersburg" and LLC "Forwarding firm-International". Participants of discussion...
Bondarchuk Andrey
Khodachek Alexander
Klementovichus Iana
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "EF-Interneshnl"
Main activity:Culture and sports