Nina Drobysheva told how endured death of parents with a difference in two months

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Guests of release became 58-year-old Helena Drobysheva, Nina Drobysheva, and Philip — the grandson (was born in 1990. — Editor's note) screen legends. Native actresses told that in recent months it did not get up. Philip managed to communicate to the grandmother, he even moved to her to look after and look after. "I remember our long evenings when we in kitchen read Nietzsche and Mayakovsky. Any interaction with my grandmother — an event. I study in theatrical higher education institution, on the fourth year. Right at the beginning it helped me with roles, we together rehearsed. I always dreamed that it came something...
Helena Drobysheva
Last position: Actress, TV host
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Butenko
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Kochevnikov Boris
Piaf Edith