On November 8, 2023 on website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta" article of the head of the Center of Middle Eastern researches, the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences d.i.n is published. Irina Zvyagelskaya "The Middle Eastern states act in a trend

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On November 8, 2023 on website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta" article of the head of the Center of Middle Eastern researches, the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences d.i.n is published. Irina Zvyagelskaya "The Middle Eastern states act in a multipolarity trend". The conflict in Palestine does not cancel the increased aspiration of regional players to independence. The bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas, apparently, covered or overshadowed all other events in Near East... But the burst crisis does not mean turning of earlier outlined trends in development the region though some of them are now put on a pause...