Rodionov Andrey, Troepolskaya Catherina and "brusnikinets" publish in space "Inside" the musical anti-Utopia

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On November 10 in the Moscow space "Inside" there will take place a premiere of performance Rodionov Andrey and Troepolskaya Catherina "Nour Eskadrilya" according to their own play of the same name. "Nour Eskadrilya's" poetic anti-Utopia — the debut play Rodionov Andrey and Troepolskaya Catherina, written in 2011. The speech in it goes about the graduate Biotekhnicheskogo institutes to Motylkova Catherina who appears at plant where grow up, "as if bananas", warplanes. The genre of future performance into which the "retro and futuristic" text will turn, Rodionov Andrey defined as "the comedy musical". It reminds including main...