Ramzan Kadyrov: Picturesque Bena. As he is beautiful at any time years

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The head of ChR Ramzan Kadyrov reported in the telegram-channel that met the host teypa Bena Khatataev Amkhad, the deputy of Parlament CHR Khambiev Magomed, the commander of a special regiment of police of a name of the Hero of Russia Akhmad Kadyrov MVD po CHR Zamid Alievich Chalaev and chapter Nozhay-Yurt district Aslanbek Gapayevich Muzuruev in Benoye. According to the Head of ChR, it never misses opportunity to arrive in Bena and this time there was an occasion. He learned how there is a course of performance of a number of instructions. "We with pleasure took pleasure in landscapes, breathed clean air, and behind a cup of tasty tea remembered former years, discussed...
Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Akhmad Kadyrov
Main activity:Politician
Zamid Alievich Chalaev
Last position: Commander of regiment PPS of police of a name of the Hero of the Russian Federation A.A. Kadyrov (Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic)
Aslanbek Gapayevich Muzuruev
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district Nozhay-Yurtovsk of the Chechen Republic)
Khatataev Amkhad
Main activity:Science and education
Parlament CHR
Government Agency
Government Agency