Helena Drobysheva with tears in the eyes told how lives after death of mother actress

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On July 27 the actress Nina Drobysheva, known on Sasha's role in the movie "Clear sky" died. Only two months later the ex-husband of the actress and the father of her daughter Konyaev Vitaly died. Helena Drobysheva, a star of movies "Purposely You Will Not Think Up" and "In the Woods and on the Mountains" told in the Life and Destiny program on Russia TV channel as keeps after heavy loss. Speaking about mother, Helena Drobysheva hardly constrained tears. "Forgive", – the actress whispered. At this moment she was supported by the son Koznov Philipp who also became the guest of the program. The young man stroked mother on a shoulder. "Mother was strong...
Helena Drobysheva
Last position: Actress, TV host
 Anna Mikhalkova
Last position: Actress, TV host
Konyaev Vitaly
Koznov Philipp