In IK-6 UFSIN Rossi on Lipetsk Region there took place the occupation devoted to the 100 anniversary since birth Gamzatov Rasul

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Federal public institution IK-6 Ufsin Russia on Lipetsk oblast visited the chairman of ONK Vadim Yegorov and the member of public council at Administration office Federalnoy sluzhby ispolneniya nakazany po Lipetsk region Kurbanov Gusen, for the purpose of carrying out lecture occupation for condemned, dated for the 100 anniversary since the birth of the Soviet poet, the prose writer, the publicist, Soviet and Russian public and the politician, the translator Gamzatov Rasul. Guests told condemned the interesting facts about life and a career of the great poet, read verses in which the author sang of the people, a native home the native land. Also during action the creative...