The expert of YuFU to the 100 anniversary Turkey gave lecture in the St. Petersburg state university

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On November 3 director of the Center of Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Researches (CIHR) of YuFU, orientalist-turkolog, d.i.n. Tsibenko Veronica gave the lecture "Anatomy of National Symbols Turkey (to the 100 Anniversary Turkey)" at East faculty Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University. During lecture the expert told about about features, history of emergence and functions of the Turkish national symbols. On such examples as gain Istanbul (falling of Constantinople), fixing of a cult of the national leader, concept of sixteen great Turkish states and mythical...
Tsibenko Veronica
Tsibenko V. V.
Molotkova O. A.
University Gazi
Main activity:Science and education
Political ideology:Social conservatism, economic liberalism, neoosmanizm, Islamism, Euroscepticism.