Today birthday of the politician, heads, auditor, actor, poet and telestar

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Today, 68 years to Popov Boris Nikolaevich, the ex-head Nyurbinsky ulus, to politician were executed on November 7. In the same day 52 years to Alexander Aleksandrovich Khorunov , to the chief Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (Yakut) territorial department of the state aviation department of interterritorial managements Federal Sernce for Supervision in the Sphere Of Transport on Far Eastern Federal District were executed. Today celebrates the birthday Oktyabrina Nikonov, the auditor Audit Chamber Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. On November 7 57 years to Pripuzov Oleg Alekseevich, to the chief non-staff specialist — the psychiatrist of MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE SAKHA REPUBLIC were executed...
Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Popov Boris Nikolaevich
Alexander Aleksandrovich Khorunov
Pripuzov Oleg Alekseevich
Semenov Kirill Mikhaylovich