The Russian legionary will compel to finish career? The ex-player of the national team expelled from club directly on a season course

@Sport den' za dnem
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The former player combined Russian Federation, the participant of the World Cup of 2014 unexpectedly remained without club directly on a season course! The halfback Pavel Mogilevets reported in the social networks that Armenian "Urartu" broke off with it contract. Now the 30-year-old pupil of "Zenith" remains without team and without practice before opening of a winter transfer window. "There was the next event in my football life which sets thinking that the main thing in any situation – to remain the person, whenever possible honest and decent, first of all before by itself. Was very glad to be part of FC "Urartu". And...
Aleksandr Kerzhakov
Main activity:Official
Pavel Mogilevets
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "FC "URALETS-TS")
Vasily Utkin
Last position: The author, the host "Football club" on the channel in YouTube
Stanislas Cherchesov
Main activity:Athlete
Gunko Dimitri
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Culture and sports
ФК "Урарту"