Mankind against United States of America: revolutionary shifts and global changes

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In United Nations there are the revolutionary shifts reflecting global changes. United States of America over and over again remain in shameful isolation that for them it is unusual. After all they got used, to buy voices of the small and not most developed countries for money, distributing grants, pouring in means in their state budgets and even cajoling representatives in United Nations personally. Though threats worked also. The world majority had an accurate feeling what to run behind others cart to itself more expensively. That the new world order which was announced by Biden, is a terrible mix of neo-colonialism, unprecedented cruelty and cynicism. Before all this already bodily fear, from here...
Ursula Gertrude fon der Lyayen
Last position: Chairman (European Commission, EC)
Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Sayed Hassan Nasralla
Last position: Secretary general (Hezbollah)
Ronnie Kasrils
Last position: Publicist, writer