Information modeling WILL be ON THE WAY. On TV channel "Pervy kanal" the premiere dramedi "Far relatives"] will take plac

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With Eugenie Aleksandrovich Kostyukov and Philipp Avdeev TV channel "Pervy kanal" for the first time will show the comedy drama. Premiere of history how close people in the modern world become far, and far can become relatives, will take place in an air on Sunday, November 5. The star actor's ensemble is involved in a picture: Helena Yakovleva, Irina Pegov, Kirill Kyaro, Dmitry Lysenkov, Andrey Lvovich Urgant and other Russian actors. Online air TV channel "Pervy kanal" it is free and in high quality it is available here. Boris works as the teacher of geography at usual Khabarovsk school. His life is enough routine. Besides schools and a kitchen garden, at...