In Severouralsk the police to court sent materials criminal case concerning the 29-year-old local accused of small thefts

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The 29-year-old inhabitant of Severouralsk made small thefts from network shop, being subjected to administrative punishment for small plunder. Concerning the malefactor the office of inquiry of Severouralsk excited materials two criminal cases on signs of the crime provided by Art. 158.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation, Art. 158.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (small plunder someone else's property, made by the person subjected to administrative punishment for small plunder, provided by part 2 of article 7.27 Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences). It was established that on June 12 the current year around 20.00 accused, being in Pyaterochka shop, stole with...