Severouralsk Sverdlovsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in SeverouralskIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in Severouralsk8/19/2021Yevgeny KuyvashevAt financing non receipt seven funds which are located in Volchansk, Biserti, Verkhoturye, Kachkanar, Krasnouralsk, Kushva and Severouralsk, will be closed11/9/2023Вадим Валерьевич ТретьяковIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in SeverouralskIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in Severouralsk8/19/2021Yevgeny KuyvashevAt financing non receipt seven funds which are located in Volchansk, Biserti, Verkhoturye, Kachkanar, Krasnouralsk, Kushva and Severouralsk, will be closed11/9/2023Вадим Валерьевич ТретьяковIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in SeverouralskIf it is the truth, it is simply scandalous situation. I know that this preparation in area is, all hospitals have to buy it as required. I cannot present the reason acquitting why it did not make in Severouralsk8/19/2021Yevgeny Kuyvashev12141Region News+18 last weekHead since 2017Vasilii Petrovich Matyushenko0Media ScoreHead since 2017Vasilii Petrovich Matyushenko7:24:35 AMGMT+566RUS+734380Dialing code239Connections+71 last weekPopulation25 827NewsConnections Tree
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