In ONK Moscow told about the maintenance of the blogger Shabutdinov Ayaz in a pre-trial detention center

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The responsible secretary of ONK Moscow Aleksey Melnikov told that the blogger Shabutdinov Ayaz, accused of fraud in especially large size, is in capital SIZO-7, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS". The human rights activist visited the blogger in an insulator. By words Aleksey Melnikov, now Shabutdinov Ayaz are in a four-seater chamber where there is a TV, the refrigerator, a radio receiving station and a teapot. As the human rights activist reported, the blogger has no complaints on conditions of the contents in a pre-trial detention center. "However, as he speaks, to vessels where to it the measure of restraint was chosen, it contained in a temporary detention center where it was cold at night, and...
Aleksey Melnikov
Last position: Responsible secretary (LLC "Sovet ONK")
Helena Blinovskaya
Last position: Blogger
Shabutdinov Ayaz