Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov at dismissal took out with TV channel "Pervy kanal" a box with jewelry

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On the Russia channel showed the first release of the program "Andrey Malakhov. Air". Producers devoted it to destinies of leaving and new leaders. It turned out very touchingly. On the screen there were records of the first programs with participation Boris Korchevnikov, it told how already being the adult got acquainted with the father. And Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov showed, what treasures took out TV channel "Pervy kanal" at dismissal ". Journalists asked me, how many containers with good I took out from "Ostankino" when left, – Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov joked. – Actually I took out only one box in which are stored my dear to heart...
Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov
Last position: The co-producer conducting on Russia-1 channel (VGTRK)
Boris Korchevnikov
Last position: CEO, general producer (LLC "SPAS TV")