At the First freight companies the owner] was replace

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Soderzhaniyenapravleniya activity Digitalization 2022: JSC PGK Didzhital IT company LLC "GARAGE CONSUMER COOPERATIVE DIGITAL" 2020 Appointment Dolgov Alexander the deputy director general of PGK on IT Agapkin Aleksey is appointed to a position the deputy director general by operational efficiency and technical development 2019: IT ecosystem of PGK of 2017 Interviews Uryas Vadim business portal "" Uryas Vadim replaced Shashurin Sergei as the deputy director general on IT History 2023: The SG trance bought PGK 2022: Sale 17% of the all-Russian park of cement trucks "First industrial operator" 2021: In management PGK – more than 100 thousand cars 2020: Main directions activity...