Company "the Operator PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" IDES" took part in Petersburg international gas forum

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Company "the Operator PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" IDES", the developer of the digital ecosystem GUIDE platform , became the partner of XII Petersburg international gas forum. Company presented results of pilot projects on introduction of digital services of an ecosystem GUIDE, a line of products for businesses and received industrial awards. The stand of companies at a forum was visited by delegation of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" headed by the Chairman of the board Alexey Miller. More than 300 subsidiaries of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" joined an ecosystem GUIDE and over 260 thousand staff of group use its opportunities in professional activities and...
Alexey Miller
Last position: Chairman of the board (PJSC Gazprom)
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
LLC "Gazprom transgaz Tomsk"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Communication and IT