The known leader answered criticism of modern television
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The known Russian journalist and the leader, the editor-in-chief information services NTV Tatyana Mitkova answered criticism of modern television. In interview to the actor Vyacheslav Manucharov for YouTube - the channel "Empatiya Manuchi" she commented on charges that TV channels place the audience on scandalous shows. "My belief that television — not the tutor. (...) It is impossible, it is impossible to place generation on transfer about scandals, intrigues, investigations. It is possible to place those people who are ready to sit down on it" — reacted Tatyana Mitkova to remarks that channels form...
Tatyana Mitkova
Last position: Deputy CEO for information broadcasting (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TELEVISION BROADCASTING COMPANY NTV")
Vyacheslav Manucharov
Last position: Actor, TV host, singer
Fedorenko Vladimir
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