Workers of vessels wrote a dictation

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Became already good tradition that by Day of the Tuva language Arbitral tribunal of the Tyva Republic holds special competition among the employees. Did not refuse this intellectual competition and this year. The chairman of vessels Vladimir Aldyn-Oolovich Azhi congratulated participants on Day of the Tuva language, thanked for participation in action. Workers of vessels with interest checked the knowledge of the native language, level of proficiency in a state language of Tyva Republic, having noted expressivity of the art text. By number of the gained points winners became: Davaa A.B. , Seden-ool S. B. (the I place), Dungar-ool I.O....
Vladimir Aldyn-Oolovich Azhi
Last position: Chairman (Arbitral tribunal of the Tyva Republic)
Davaa A. B.
Saaya A. O.
Sendazhy A. N.
Oorzhak E. K.