On November 2 Aleksey Karnaushko is officially discharged of a position of the mayor Zheleznogorsk

@MK.RU Chernozem'e
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Earlier we reported that the mayor Zheleznogorsk Aleksey Karnaushko retired . Today, on November 1, he told about it in the telegram-channel. Today, on November 2, at meeting of Zheleznogorskaya gorodskaya thought the head of municipal educations was officially discharged of a position. Aleksey Karnaushko locals for fruitful collaboration. "Thanks to all residents of Zheleznogorsk for joint constructive and productive work. I regard the got experience as invaluable. Ahead the new stage in lives", - was written by him. Let's remind, the ex-head of the city left a post at own will. He declared...