The burned Koran Zhuravel Nikita declared that studies the sacred book of Muslims

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Accused on the case of Koran burning in Volgograd 19-year-old Zhuravel Nikita during meeting of vessels reported that studies the Koran. About it reports information agency "RIA Novosti". "In the course of my imprisonment I read the Koran, I study it to understand how strongly offended feelings of believers" — Zhuravel Nikita told. It once again apologized to imams and Muslims. "My act is awful and has no justification" — he recognized. Let's remind, Volgograd Zhuravel Nikita detained the 19-year-old inhabitant in May during joint operation SKR, Ministries of Internal Affairs and Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on suspicion in insult of feelings of believers. As appears from materials put, not later...
Rustam Minnikhanov
Last position: President of the Republic of Tatarstan (President of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Alexander Bastrykin
Last position: Chairman (Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation)
Azat Khamaev
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Zhuravel Nikita