Paradoxes of personnel policy to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, reaching a joke

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Paradoxes in personnel policy in the republic always sufficed. But that noticed and was noted by the telegram-channel "Torbozny Radio", looks like a joke more. Management chapters and Government of the Sakha Republic prepared analysis performing discipline of deputy chairmen of Republic cabinet. From it follows that the most undisciplined Kirill Bychkov proved to be in 9 months of this year being in the rank of the first deputy chairman of Government of the Sakha Republic. On its account of 40 instructions which have not been executed in due time. The highest level of performing discipline among all deputy chairmen showed...
Kirill Bychkov
Last position: Acting as the First Deputy Chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)
Mikhail Nikiforov
Last position: Acting as vice-chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)