On November 1 in the history: that happened this day

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Adams John in 1800 became the first of presidents of United States of America who began to live in the Executive mansion. Later building renamed into the White house. In 1894 the last Russian emperor Nikolay II came to the throne. This day, but in 1896, in the National Geographic magazine for the first time there is the picture showing a naked breast of the woman. And in 1959 in Saint Petersburg, in Derviz's mansion on Angliyskaya Embankment, the USSR's first Wedding palace is open. On November 1 were born the Russian state and political figure the prince Pozharsky Dimitri (1578); Russian metallurgist and...
Maria Knushevitskaya
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Adams John
Pozharsky Dimitri
Korotin Vyacheslav
Chernov Dimitri
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