Low bow to courage: the young inhabitant of Pudozh was lost on SVO

@MK.RU Karelija
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As Aleksey Zubov reported chapter Pudozh district, during SVO the private Yegorov Valentine Borisovich – the inhabitant of Pudozh was lost. "Eternal memory to the hero. Low bow to courage and feat. The most sincere condolences to the family", - were written on the page to social networks by Aleksey Zubov. According to the decision of relatives a funeral Yegorov Valentine Borisovich will take place in Pskov Region in a residence of a family of the victim...
Aleksey Zubov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Pudozhsk)
Yegorov Valentine Borisovich
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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