Lost near Dyatlov's pass tourists contacted from the rural payphone

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Gone during a river rafting near Dyatlov's pass the group of tourists contacted the organizer of a campaign with help the rural payphone. About it information portal "Gazeta.Ru" were told by the chief of the press service of Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Sverdlovsk region Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh. He noted that tourists tried to dissuade from a campaign, but they did not obey. "The destiny of group of tourists from five people who were gone the day before in the Ivdelsky area Sverdlovsk Region, became really known. Two of them, having overcome on foot about 30 kilometers, managed to reach the settlement Vizhay. The tourists who have got out of a taiga from the rural...
Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh
Last position: Head of the press service (Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Sverdlovsk region)